Supervillains and Insurance: Who’s Gonna Pay for That?

Breaking News! Superman is fighting an unidentified person in downtown Metropolis!


Didn’t this happen last week? And isn’t this all getting a bit expensive?

Most of the time when property is damaged, the property owner has insurance that will pay to restore their property to approximately the state it was in before the loss occurred. But when Doomsday goes on a rampage of destruction across at least three states or the Joker blows up half of downtown Gotham, insurer’s aren’t actually going to want to pay for that, and there is reason to believe that under the terms of standard insurance contracts, they wouldn’t have to. The reason has to do with the way insurance policies are written, which is a matter of contract as much at it is a matter of law.

So the focus of this post is not whether supervillains can get insurance, but whether standard insurance policies will pay for damage that they cause.

I. Insurance Policies and the DICE Method

First of all, insurance policies are only written for insurable risks. Generally speaking, an insurable risk is one where both the probability and magnitude of a particular kind of loss are measurable, where the occurrence of that loss is truly random, and where it is possible to transfer that risk to an insurer for an economically-feasible premium. A common example of an insurable risk is one’s house burning down. We know how often houses in a particular zip code burn down (this is what actuaries do for a living; some fun, huh?), we know what a particular house is worth, houses don’t burn down at any predictable frequency, and as it turns out, it’s possible to insure against the risk of fire for a premium which is both acceptable to the insured and profitable for the insurer. Flood is an example of an uninsurable risk. Floods do occur at random, and we know basically how often, but the magnitude of losses caused by flood are such that it is impossible to offer flood insurance at any price a homeowner can afford (more on this particular exposure later). Floods are considered “catastrophic” losses, because they cause both a high amount of damage to individual properties but also a high amount of damage to entire regions, making it impossible to adequately spread the cost to other property owners. The same is true of war, terrorism, civil unrest, revolution, etc., which is why all of those are considered uninsurable risks. Discharge of nuclear weapons, intentional or accidental, is also uninsurable. Uninsurable risks are generally excluded from insurance policies.*

When a loss occurs, the claims adjuster is going to walk through the DICE method: Declarations, Insuring agreement, Conditions, Exclusions. First, look to see if there is coverage for this kind of loss on the declarations page, i.e. coverage scheduled for this particular policy. Then, check the insuring agreement to see if the loss results from a covered peril. Then, check to see if there are any relevant conditions in the policy which are applicable. Finally, see if there are any relevant exclusions.

Take the Doomsday example again, and let’s assume that he has just leveled a private residence insured by ABC P&C by throwing Superman through it. ABC’s adjuster is first going to look at the declarations page for the insured’s homeowner’s policy. The house is insured for $100,000. So far so good. Then, he’s going to look at the insuring agreement to see if there is anything of interest there. This policy is a special perils form, which covers everything not specifically excluded, so again, so far so good. Then he’ll check conditions. The homeowner is current on his premium, gave timely notice of the claim, and is cooperating with the adjuster, so again, probably okay there.

But what’s this? Terrorism is excluded? And you didn’t buy the terrorism endorsement? Hmm. That’s going to be a problem.

It’s going to be pretty easy to argue that Doomsday is a terrorist, but even if he isn’t, it isn’t going to be difficult to fit this into either the war or civil unrest exclusions, both of which are part of every insurance policy. Any insurance defense attorney worth his salt would certainly make that argument, and it’s hard to see why it wouldn’t win. Heck, if Superman is a state actor, it might be excluded under the “civil authority” exclusion.

So sorry, Mr. Homeowner, your insurance policy isn’t going to pay for this.

II. Uninsurable Risks and Residual Pools

So what’s to be done? If we’re talking about a universe where superheros and supervillains exist and unstoppable monsters do level significant sections of town every other Tuesday, it seems probable that the legal system and/or insurance industry would take this into account. But because the magnitude of losses caused by superhero battles are so great, it seems likely that the states would have to resort to residual market mechanisms. This is how flood insurance is currently offered on a national level: the FEMA National Flood Insurance Program NFIP is pretty much the only way to buy flood insurance anymore. States have set up residual markets for both high risk drivers and properties with significant windstorm (Mississippi, South Carolina, Texas, etc.) and earthquake exposures (California) too. Basically, state legislatures have decided that even though certain kinds of risk are impossible to insure against on the open market, we want people to take those risks anyway, for a host of possible reasons. We want high-risk drivers to be insured both for their protection and for others, and denying someone permission to drive because they cannot buy mandatory insurance seems unjust. People really want to live in earthquake– and hurricane-prone areas, and those people vote, so we’re going to find some way of making that work, no matter how silly it is.

Residual markets can work in one of a number of ways. One is “assigned risk,” an approach frequently used to ensure that high risk drivers have access to at least the state minimum liability limits for personal auto insurance. Basically, every insurer that participates in the market is required to take their fair share of high risk drivers–for a high premium–as a cost of doing business in the state. They can then spread this cost to their other insureds, keeping the companies profitable. But it seems more likely that the states would create their own “Supervillain Pool” similar to the windstorm pools active in Gulf and coastal states. The way these work is that every insurance policy is charged a tax based on the premium which goes into the residual pool. The pool then reimburses property owners for damages caused by supervillain rampages, etc. Property owners would need to buy “Superhero/Supervillain Insurance” from the pool, and that premium would help too, but because this truly is an uninsurable risk, the pool will probably need to be supported by taxpayer revenue. The idea is that all but the biggest losses will be at least mostly absorbed by the pool but that the government will step in if things get really out of hand. The pool can theoretically up its rates in the years following a big loss to ensure that the government gets its money back, but this rarely happens.

Of course, while we’re modifying the law to account for superheros, it would probably also be the case that insurance companies would include some kind of “superhero/supernatural/paranormal” exclusion, shifting that exposure more directly to the residual pool, as has been done with flood, earthquake, and windstorm exposures.

III. Conclusion

A world with recognized and regular supervillain rampages would probably develop a way to insure against that sort of thing, but traditional property insurance would probably exclude such losses. States would need to create residual pools, much like the way they have for earthquake and hurricane losses.

*”Speculative risks,” i.e. risks where there is a possibility of gain and a possibility of loss–investments, basically–are also uninsurable, because the cost of insuring them would more than erase the potential gain from the transaction. These aren’t excluded by insurance policies because they wouldn’t have been covered anyway; insurers simply don’t write policies for those kinds of risks.

Commentary by James Daily:

I agree with my co-author that comic book worlds have likely developed a way to insure against attacks by supervillains and collateral damage from the response by superheroes.  However, even if the cost is evenly distributed among the risk pool, the question of net social cost remains.  In other words, are superpowers a net social good or a net social cost?  I think that, on balance, superpowers are either neutral or slightly positive.

Empirically, it seems that most versions of the DC and Marvel universes are broadly similar to our own in terms of the standard of living and technology level.  If superpowers were a net social cost we would expect one or both to be lower relative to the real world.  Indeed, if anything the technology level is sometimes higher in comic books, although advanced technology is often confined to superhero and supervillain labs.  Whatever the reason (superheroes fighting regular crime, inventions from Batman, Tony Stark, and Reed Richards), superpowers do not seem to be a net social cost.  This fact supports the civil rights claims of superpowered individuals.

Superpowers and the ADA

On this blog we have considered several ways in which superpowers, particularly innate superpowers, could be legally protected under the Constitution.  But there’s more to civil rights than the Constitution.  Congress and the state legislatures have also passed laws that go beyond the constitutional minimums.  One of the most important of these is the Americans with Disabilities Act.  Could the ADA be applied to superpowers?  As is so often the case, the answer is mixed.

I. The Scope of the ADA

The ADA defines a disability as “a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities.” 42 USC 12102(1)(A).  Perhaps equally importantly, a disability can also simply consist of “being regarded as having such an impairment.” 42 USC 12102(1)(C).  In other words, even if you aren’t actually impaired, it’s sufficient that you are discriminated against in violation of the ADA because you are regarded as being so impaired. (More on this later).  Both of these definitions depend heavily on the meaning of phrases like ‘major life activity.’  Luckily, the statute goes on to define those terms as well in 42 USC 12102(2)(A-B):

“[M]ajor life activities include, but are not limited to, caring for oneself, performing manual tasks, seeing, hearing, eating, sleeping, walking, standing, lifting, bending, speaking, breathing, learning, reading, concentrating, thinking, communicating, and working….[A] major life activity also includes the operation of a major bodily function….”

Furthermore, all of these terms are intended to be construed broadly:

“The definition of disability in this chapter shall be construed in favor of broad coverage of individuals under this chapter, to the maximum extent permitted by the terms of this chapter….An impairment that substantially limits one major life activity need not limit other major life activities in order to be considered a disability….An impairment that is episodic or in remission is a disability if it would substantially limit a major life activity when active…The determination of whether an impairment substantially limits a major life activity shall be made without regard to the ameliorative effects of mitigating measures…” 42 USC 12102(4)(A,C-D) and (E)(i).

Armed with a sense of the scope of the ADA, let’s analyze whether it might apply to innate superpowers.

II. What Superpowers Qualify?

Right off the bat we can see that, in general, voluntarily controlled superpowers generally will not qualify as disabilities.  It’s pretty hard for, say, the ability to fly to substantially limit a major life activity if you can simply choose not to use it.  But not all superpowers are voluntary, and whether the power is continuous (like Rogue’s pre-Messiah Complex, involuntary power) or only poorly controlled (like Bruce Banner’s transformation into the Hulk) doesn’t matter because an episodic impairment still counts.

Rogue’s original, involuntary, lethal power probably qualifies because touching others seems like a major life activity.  Certainly it is a common part of communication and many jobs (e.g., handshakes, receiving money from customers and returning change).  Bruce Banner’s power definitely qualifies as it also frequently interferes with work and communication (“Hulk smash!”).  Scott Summers’s power may also qualify.  A slightly less serious example along the same lines is Moist from Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog.

Although Hank McCoy’s and Kurt Wagner’s physical appearances might not be considered outright disabilities, they may be discriminated against because they are perceived as being impaired, which fits 12102(C).

III. The Protections of the ADA

The ADA offers many legal protections to disabled individuals.  In general, discrimination on the basis of disability is prohibited in employment, provision of public services, and in public accommodations and services provided by private entities.  For the purposes of this blog post we will focus on employment discrimination.

The general rule is given by 42 USC 12112(a):

No [employer] shall discriminate against a qualified individual on the basis of disability in regard to job application procedures, the hiring, advancement, or discharge of employees, employee compensation, job training, and other terms, conditions, and privileges of employment.

Straightforward and complete.  However, there are important defenses to charges of discrimination.  Most important are when discrimination is “job-related and consistent with business necessity, and such performance cannot be accomplished by reasonable accommodation” and when a qualification standard includes “a requirement that an individual shall not pose a direct threat to the health or safety of other individuals in the workplace.”  42 USC 12113(a,b).  Reasonable accommodation is a broad term, but it’s basically anything that isn’t an undue hardship (“an action requiring significant difficulty or expense”).

Since there are defenses, the natural question is “what can employers get away with?”

IV. Reasonable Accommodation and Undue Hardship

Two examples of powers that can almost certainly be reasonably accommodated are Rogue’s power and Cyclops’s power.  For most jobs, Rogue could simply be allowed to wear gloves and other appropriate clothing.  There are very few jobs for which Rogue could not be reasonably accommodated.  Similarly, Cyclops could be allowed to wear his glasses or other appropriate headgear.  He probably couldn’t be reasonably accommodated as an actor in a commercial for eyedrops or the like, but that’s about it.

Other cases are less clear.  Bruce Banner would probably not be so well protected.  His power would definitely raise the issue of “a direct threat to the health or safety of other individuals in the workplace.”  Any work environment that involved close interaction with other employees, customers, or other sources of stress would pose a significant challenge if it could not be made into a telecommute position.  In many cases there simply may be no reasonable accommodation for someone who turns into a rampaging giant at the drop of a hat.

V. Conclusion

Although most superpowers are not impairments, many superpowered individuals (particularly mutants in the Marvel universe) face discrimination despite the fact that they are not actually impaired.  In addition, there are some superpowers that do impair their possessors.  As a result, the ADA would protect many superpowered individuals from discrimination in several important areas of life.

Shapeshifting and Trial Testimony

A number of superheros and supervillains–Mystique, Amalgam, Everyman, etc.–have the ability to change shape into the appearance of other people. This is used variously for heroic purposes or nefarious deception, but what would the legal system need to do to account for the possibility of a shapeshifter impersonating a witness in a legal proceeding?

The implications are startling. A key witness could be replaced with a shapeshifter to introduce or conceal critical evidence at trial. Heck, one can imagine a supervillain making a decent living impersonating witnesses for a fee!

But surprisingly enough, this is something that the legal system is already pretty well equipped to deal with.

I. Verification

One can perhaps think of technical means that a court could impose to verify the identity of witnesses given the possibility of a changeling impersonating them. Certain superheros might even find some side work this way, and enterprising inventors could too. But even aside from the potential cost and inconvenience, this is not something the court system would probably impose.

Why? Because juries are already tasked with evaluating the credibility of witnesses. No special care is taken to make sure that witnesses aren’t lying, so why should special care be taken to ensure that they are who they appear to be? Indeed, witnesses must already identify themselves, and we trust juries to tell if a witness is lying about their identity.  Perjury is also already a crime–and impersonating another to give testimony under oath is certainly perjury. So if we already trust juries to weigh the credibility of testimony, including the witness’s claimed identity, it would seem that the problem of shapechangers is an issue of degree rather than kind.

II. Cross-examination

The reason that the legal system puts such faith in juries and takes so few preventive steps to prevent perjury is the system’s reliance on cross-examination.

Cross-examination is the part in a trial where a witness is questioned by the opposing attorney, a process which witnesses universally report is No Fun At All. The attorney is deliberately attempting to catch and exploit inconsistencies, however minor, in the witness’s testimony, and even an entirely truthful, honest witness can be made to appear pretty silly by a skilled trial lawyer. A good discussion of how this works and the ways in which a cross-examiner can accomplish his or her objectives can be found in the Ten Commandments of Cross-Examination.

The reliance placed upon cross-examination is so great that it underpins one of the most fundamental rights in criminal procedure: the right to be confront witnesses. If an attorney is not able to convince a jury through cross-examination that a witness is either lying or unreliable, that’s basically just too damn bad.

This is because testifying in court is different from having a discussion with friends over a few beers; there are stringent rules for what can be said and what cannot be said, and the attorney not doing the questioning has every interest in seeing that they are enforced. Remember how in all those law shows attorneys are always yelling “Objection!” That’s because they’re trying to draw the judge’s attention to what they believe (or would like the judge to believe) is a violation of the rules of evidence (although in the real world the reason for the objection also has to be given).

And again, even an honest witness can be tripped up by a skilled attorney. How much more a witness who does not actually have first-hand knowledge of the testimony being offered? Even a shapeshifting telepath is going to have a really hard time slipping one past an attorney who knows what he’s about. By the time a witness appears on the stand, particularly in a case of any significance, both attorneys pretty much know what their respective witnesses have to say. They will all have given extensive depositions, and the trial process is less a revelation of new evidence than it is a formal way of entering that evidence into the record. Any deviation from a deposition is likely to be noticed by the examining attorney and immediately pounced on. It will quickly become clear to the judge and the jury that something fishy is going on, and at that point the gig is up: either the doppelgänger will be revealed, or the damage to the case intended by the shapeshifter will be avoided.

At this point, other laws come in to play. Subornation of perjury is itself a crime, so a party or attorney that solicited the shapeshifter to replace a witness is in big trouble, and tampering with evidence in this way could well be a violation of discovery rules. Rule 37 permits a judge to impose a variety of sanctions on a party that does not cooperate with the discovery process, up to and including both contempt of court and ruling that the record treat the issue in question as conclusively established for the opposing party.  The attorney may also be sanctioned directly under Rule 11.

III. Conclusion

So here it would seem that the legal system is already pretty well set up to deal with the possibility of shapeshifters in court.

Healing Factors, Indestructability, and Murder: Factual Impossibility Gets A Workout

Wolverine is one of a number of comic book characters who is extremely difficult to kill. It has been theorized that it would take decapitation followed by immediate removal of his head from the vicinity of his body to effectively kill him. Similarly, though Superman has died, he can survive far, far more punishment than a standard Homo sapiens sapiens.

Which raises the question: if it is impossible for a given action to kill a potential target, does it constitute a crime? And if so, which crime?

I. Mens Rea

The question has to do with the way crimes are defined at law. Crimes are made up of elements, all of which must be present for the crime to have been committed and proven by the prosecution for a defendant to be found guilty. One of the elements of most crimes is an appropriate “mens rea,” i.e. an appropriately guilty mind.* The great American jurist Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. is said to have remarked, “Even a dog knows the difference between being tripped over and being kicked.” In short, the law recognizes a distinction between things which are done on purpose and things which are done by accident, and intentional acts are generally treated more seriously.

The Model Penal Code sets up five types of mens rea: purposeful, knowing, reckless, negligent, and strict liability. To be convicted of murder in a state which has adopted some version of the MPC (i.e. virtually any state), one must kill another either purposefully, knowingly, or recklessly. That is to say, one needs to have either 1) actively intended for the person to die, 2) known that a particular course of action was practically certain to lead to a person’s death and engaging in said course of action anyway, or 3) known that there was a substantial risk that a particular course of action will lead to a person’s death and engaging in said course of action anyway. Killing another negligently, i.e. engaging in a course of action which one should have known was likely to lead in the death of another, is only good enough for manslaughter, and killing someone completely innocently isn’t a crime at all. I mean, good luck convincing a jury of that one, but if you do, you walk.

So far we’re basically only talking first year Criminal Law. Where things get interesting is when the intended victim is someone like Wolverine or Superman. Say, for example, Pyro lights Wolverine on fire. Wolverine is going to be pissed, and it’s going to hurt like hell, but he’s going to be okay in a minute. (Superman might not even notice, depending on when and in what continuity said ignition occurs.) If Pyro had targeted a non-mutant (or most mutants other than Wolverine), said target is going to have a pretty unpleasant final few minutes. Pyro is clearly guilty of assault, as he deliberately inflicted harm on Wolverine (though Wolverine’s civil damages are going to be nominal), but not of murder, as Wolverine is still around. The question is whether he can be convicted of attempted murder.

Attempted murder requires that you act intending to kill someone but somehow fail to do it. Knowing or reckless activity will not suffice, because the legal system is only willing to punish inchoate offenses of the most serious sort. On first blush, it would seem that yes, Pyro would be guilty of attempted murder, as he tried to kill Wolverine and failed. But what if this isn’t Pyro’s first rodeo and he knows damn well that burning Wolverine is just going to make him mad? That Pyro can’t actually kill him, or, at least, that lighting him on fire isn’t going to do it? Now the picture gets a little murkier, as it would seem that the requisite mens rea is missing. Again, he’s still obviously guilty of assault, as he did intend to harm Wolverine, but it seems at least questionable as to whether doing something that you want to kill someone but that you know won’t work does not constitute the mental state necessary to ground attempted murder.

II. Factual impossibility with a twist

There is another question here: does the fact Pyro can’t kill Wolverine this way make a difference? In other words, does factual impossibility operate as a defense here? In general, factual impossibility is not a defense to any crime, but these aren’t normal facts.

Consider an analogy: A man is trying to kill his neighbor. So he sneaks into his neighbor’s home after midnight, fires three rounds into the bed, and leaves. It turns out that the neighbor was at his girlfriend’s house and the bed was empty. Clearly, we have no murder charge. But do we have an attempted murder charge? If the man fired the shots believing the neighbor to be in his bed, then the fact that he was not does not change the fact that the man took an action he believed was going to kill his neighbor. This constitutes an intentional attempt to kill another, which is all you need for an attempted murder charge. The intended victim being in actual danger is not, in fact, an element of attempted murder. So whether the neighbor survived because the man was a bad shot and only winged him, or because the neighbor was in a difference house entirely is irrelevant: the man’s guilty mind and actions are enough to convict him.

But if the man saw that his neighbor was gone but shot the bed out of frustration, wishing that he was there so that he would die, this is another matter entirely. Here, the most he can be convicted of is probably some combination of unlawful discharge of a weapon, destruction of property, and burglary. But because he knew that the man would not die, he lacks a guilty mind with respect to attempted murder.

So it would seem that if Pyro attacks Wolverine and is surprised that he survives, an attempted murder charge will stick: the fact that the attack couldn’t have killed him is irrelevant if Pyro believed that it would. But if Pyro attacks Wolverine, intending to kill him but knowing that the attack will not succeed, factual impossibility may actually serve to defeat a charge of attempted murder. Pyro certainly had the intent to kill, but did not commit an act which produced a substantial risk of death and knew this to be the case at the time.

This would seem to be in keeping with the classic case on the subject, State v. Mitchell, 71 S.W. 175 (Mo. 1904), which held “it is no defense that the defendant could not succeed in reaching his goal because of circumstances unknown to him.” The implication is that it would be a defense if the defendant knew he could not succeed. An excellent discussion of intent in criminal law can be found in People v. Joseph, 172 N.Y.S.2d 463 (County Ct. of N.Y., Kings County 1958) (with apologies to those without access to legal research tools; that case is not available freely online).

III. Serious bodily injury

But what about a slightly different case: what if the person truly only intended to hurt Wolverine, not kill him? And what if, knowing that Wolverine is one tough bastard, they used force which would have completely obliterated a normal person? Again, no attempted murder charge, but intent to inflict “serious bodily injury” (defined in federal law at 18 U.S.C. 1365(h)(3)) is something the law recognizes. If we were talking about a normal person, intent to inflict serious bodily injury is good enough to ground a murder charge if the victim does die, because recklessness, i.e. disregard for known risk, will work for murder. So if Pyro lights someone on fire and they die, it doesn’t matter whether or not he actually intended them to die, because he would have completely disregarded an obvious risk that they might. The legal system is pretty comfortable imputing intent to defendants who display extreme disregard for human life.

But intent to inflict “extreme physical pain” coupled with the knowledge that death will not result will not seem to ground an attempted murder charge, which is a specific intent offense. But even if the intent was only to inflict “extreme physical pain,” intent to do that coupled with the knowledge that it will not result in death will still turn the crime from simple assault, which is normally a misdemeanor, into aggravated assault, a felony. This would be true regardless of the intended victim: doing something which is going to cause a lot of pain is a serious crime. Wolverine being Wolverine does, however, mean that you can dish out a lot more pain and still only get stuck with an aggravated assault charge. Which kind of sucks for Wolverine, but hey, nobody said having a mutant healing factor was an unmitigated good. Most people I know would probably be willing to give up potential attempted murder charges against them in exchange for, you know, being invincible.

Superman is an interesting case here. Lighting him on fire may or may not even be possible, but assuming that it even works, it’s an open question as to whether or not he’ll notice. Probably depends on who’s writing the story in question. Attempted aggravated assault is, in fact, a crime, but that one’s going to be difficult to actually get to. If Pyro has run into Superman before–yay, crossovers!–then he knows that Superman isn’t going to die, so we’ve got no attempted murder charge. But he might not know whether Superman is going to feel it. If he knows, then we’ve probably just got a simple assault: Pyro was attempting to do something to Superman, and he did something, but he knew that it was futile. But if this was their first meeting, there doesn’t seem to be any room to argue that Pyro was only trying to burn him a bit, not kill him, Pyro having reason to believe that fire is really, really bad for people. Factual impossibility being no help to defendants not aware of the impossibility, it would seem that we have an attempted murder charge.

IV. Conclusion

Thus, whether an attempted murder charge will stick when the victim is basically indestructible essentially depends on whether the attacker knew beforehand that the target would survive. If they did know, then it’s going to be very difficult if not impossible to convict them of attempted murder. But if they didn’t, then an attempted murder charge should stick, because factual impossibility is no defense for the unwitting defendant.

*There are a few exceptions. Statutory rape, for example, does not require one to know that the person with whom one is having sex is underage. It is a “strict liability” offense, i.e. one for which the commission automatically brings liability, regardless of one’s state of mind. Speeding is similar: one need not have intended to speed to be guilty of doing so, even though one does need to be on notice as to what the speed limit actually is. But as intent is such a basic part of almost every ethical system, strict liability is reserved for offenses society deems to be either so serious as to be worth punishing at any cost, or so minor that the efficiency gain of disregarding intent is worth including some involuntary infractions.

RICO and the Legion of Doom

Comic book supervillains, like real world criminals, often form groups and work together to advance their nefarious schemes.  The Legion of Doom, the Brotherhood of (Evil) Mutants, and the Evil League of Evil are examples of organized supervillain teams.  With organization comes a price, however.  Participating in these groups makes their members more vulnerable to criminal prosecution and civil claims under the federal Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, or RICO (there are also similar state laws).  But before discussing RICO and its applicability to supervillain teams, let’s first consider why other theories of criminal liability may not be the best fit.

I. Aiding and Abetting

Aiding and abetting may be a route to prosecution of members of a supervillain organization that “aid, abet, counsel, command, induce or procure” the commission of a crime by another, presumably another member of the organization. 18 USC 2 (state laws are similar).  The problem is one of proof.  Unless someone (perhaps whichever villain was caught in the act) testifies as to the nature of the scheme or some physical evidence ties a given supervillain to the crime (e.g. a diabolical device with Lex Luthor’s fingerprints all over it) the prosecution may have difficulty proving that a particular member of the organization aided or abetted the commission of the crime.

II. Conspiracy

At first glance conspiracy seems a better fit, but like aiding and abetting it has problems in practice.  Under US federal law, conspiracy generally requires an agreement between two or more people to commit an illegal act as well as for at least one member of the conspiracy to “do any act to effect the object of the conspiracy.”  18 USC 371.  However, at common law conspiracy did not require an overt act, and some states and specific federal conspiracy statutes do not have that requirement; mere agreement is sufficient.  See, e.g, United States v. Shabani, 513 U.S. 10 (1994).  It may seem like conspiracy is a fairly easy charge to run afoul of, but that low bar is justified by a strong public policy against conspiracy, probably because agreement makes it more likely that the crime will actually be committed and because cooperation can make possible more heinous crimes than could be committed by a single person.

But although the bar is low, evidence of agreement is still necessary.  Ordinarily this can be accomplished through informants, sting operations, surveillance, and plea deals that encourage conspirators to testify against each other.  In the case of a supervillain organization, however, it may be difficult to arrange surveillance or a sting operation without a superhero’s assistance (e.g. The Invisible Woman’s invisibility or Superman’s X-ray vision), and that kind of close cooperation with the police raises other concerns.  Informants are a possibility, but it may be difficult to offer a supervillain something valuable enough to warrant betraying his or her organization.  And plea deals only work if a supervillain is willing to testify in exchange for something.  A well-run supervillain organization may be able to enforce a ‘no snitching’ policy.

Conspiracy is most useful if the entire organization agrees to cooperate on a particular criminal scheme, but that agreement may be difficult to prove if not all of the members actually participate directly in the scheme (remember the problems with relying on other members’ testimony).  If not all of the members participated in the conspiracy, or if their participation cannot be proven, then the organization can live on minus a few members, and in most comic books that means the roster will be filled out again within a couple of issues.  What’s needed is a way to take down the entire organization at once, particularly the leadership, even if direct involvement in a given criminal act cannot be proven.


The problems with conspiracy and aiding & abetting are problems in the real world, too, especially when dealing with organized crime.  For example, it can be very difficult to prove that a mob boss ordered a hit, especially if the members of the organization won’t testify.  This was the inspiration behind the RICO Act.

In a nutshell, RICO allows prosecutors to charge members of an organization  with racketeering if the organization has committed 2 crimes out of a list of 35 within 10 years (exhibited a ‘pattern of racketeering activity’).  The individual members charged with racketeering must also have done at least one of the following (this is a broad paraphrase of 18 USC 1962):

  • have invested income derived from racketeering activity in an organization engaged in or affecting interstate or foreign commerce
  • acquired or maintained an interest or control in such an organization through a pattern of racketeering activity
  • conducted or participated in the affairs of such an organization, directly or indirectly, through a pattern of racketeering activity
  • or conspired to do any of the first three

As you can see, conspiracy has raised its head here as well, and in this context it is very useful as it stretches the already broad reach of the statute.  Whichever way it is accomplished, racketeering is a serious charge carrying up to a 20 year prison term as well as the possibility of treble damages in an accompanying civil suit.  For example, a member of the X-Men who was kidnapped by the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants could file a civil RICO claim.

Many of the crimes covered by RICO are inapplicable to a typical supervillain group (they don’t usually engage in bankruptcy fraud, for example), but several are likely to apply, including murder, kidnapping, arson, robbery, bribery, terrorism, and (federal) theft.  For some of the underlying crimes (e.g. murder, kidnapping), it is sufficient for the crime to be threatened.  Supervillain organizations frequently engage in many of those crimes.

It should be noted that in practice RICO is sometimes used against what you might think of as ‘proper’ organized crime groups or gangs, but it’s also sometimes used against more nebulous, loosely affiliated groups.  In those cases it can sometimes be difficult for prosecutors to prove the existence of a criminal enterprise.  That’s definitely not the case with groups like the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants or the Evil League of Evil.  Not only are they a well-defined organization with a leadership structure and a headquarters, they’ve got ‘evil’ right in their names!  It’s a prosecutor’s dream.

IV. Conclusion

RICO is clearly a danger to any traditionally-organized supervillain team.  A few successful convictions for kidnapping or robbery by less capable members could lead to racketeering charges and civil suits against the entire membership.  Forward-thinking supervillains might consider adopting a cell organizational structure that is more resistant to legal tools like RICO (and to infiltration by meddling superheroes)–or at least changing the group’s name to something a little less suspicious.

Superpowers and the Second Amendment

Although some superheroes and villains have powers that are harmless or at least not directly harmful to others (e.g., invulnerability, superintelligence), many have abilities that have no or only limited uses apart from harm (e.g., Cyclops’ optic blasts, Superman’s heat vision).  Although the government may be limited in its ability to discriminate on the basis of mutant status or innate superpowers, could the federal government or the states regulate superpowers as weapons without running afoul of the Second Amendment?  I think the answer is a very qualified yes.

(Before we begin, note that I’m limiting this to innate powers; it seems obvious that superhero gadgets could be regulated just like mundane weapons.)

The Supreme Court has relatively recently addressed the Second Amendment in two cases: DC v. Heller, 554 U.S. ___, 128 S.Ct. 2783 (2008) and McDonald v. City of Chicago, 561 U.S. ___ (2010).  The first case dealt with the District of Columbia’s ability to regulate firearms, and broadly speaking the second case applied the same limits to the states via the Fourteenth Amendment.  In particular, Heller held that the District of Columbia’s ban on the possession of usable handguns in the home violated the Second Amendment.  From those decisions we can get a sense of how a comic book universe court might address the issue of superpowers-as-arms.

I. The Scope of the Second Amendment

First, let us begin with the text of the Amendment: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”  Here is how the Court defined the individual terms.

“The people” refers to the people individually, not collectively, and not only to the subset of the people that could be a part of the militia.  128 S.Ct. at 2791.  “Arms” refers broadly to “weapons of offence, or armour of defence” and “any thing that a man wears for his defence, or takes into his hands, or useth in wrath to cast at or strike another,” and it is not limited to weapons in existence in the 18th Century.  Id. at 2791-92. Interestingly, this suggests that defensive powers may also be protected by the Second Amendment, but for the sake of brevity I will limit the rest of this post to a discussion of offensive abilities.

“To keep and bear arms” means “to have weapons” and to “`wear, bear, or carry . . . upon the person or in the clothing or in a pocket, for the purpose . . . of being armed and ready for offensive or defensive action in a case of conflict with another person.'” Id. at 2793 (quoting Muscarello v. United States, 524 U.S. 125 (1998) (J. Ginsburg dissenting)).  Taken together, the Second Amendment guarantees “the individual right to possess and carry weapons in case of confrontation,” but the right does not extend to any and all confrontations–there are limits. Id. at 2797-99.

The Court first addressed limitations established by past precedents: “the Second Amendment confers an individual right to keep and bear arms (though only arms that ‘have some reasonable relationship to the preservation or efficiency of a well regulated militia’).” Id. at 2814 (quoting United States v. Miller, 307 U.S. 174, 178 (1939).  Further, “the Second Amendment does not protect those weapons not typically possessed by law-abiding citizens for lawful purposes, such as short-barreled shotguns.”  Id. at 2815-16.

Beyond that, there are lawful limits on concealed weapons as well as “prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms.”  Id. at 2816-17.  Perhaps most importantly for our purposes, there is a valid, historical limitation on “dangerous and unusual weapons.” Id. at 2817.

With the scope of the right established, let us now turn to whether the government could regulate superpowers under the Second Amendment.

II. Analysis

We may start with the presumption that a superpower may be possessed and  used for lawful purposes such as self-defense.  The question is whether a given power fits into any of the exceptions that limit the Second Amendment right.

A. Concealed Weapons

First, many superpowers could be considered ‘concealed weapons.’  Before the Human Torch shouts ‘flame on!’ and activates his power, he appears to be an ordinary person.  Could the government require a kind of Scarlet Letter to identify those with concealed superpowers?  I think the answer is a qualified yes.  I do not think the Constitution would tolerate requiring innately superpowered individuals to identify themselves continuously.  That would seem to violate the constitutional right to privacy and the limited right to anonymity.  Furthermore, simply keeping concealed weapons is allowed (e.g., a hidden gunsafe in a home).   The real objection is to concealed weapons borne on the person in public.

Thus I believe the calculus changes when a superhero sets out to bear his or her powers against others in public (e.g. goes out to fight crime).  Luckily, many superheroes already identify themselves with costumes or visible displays of power (e.g. Superman, the Human Torch).  Beyond that, most states offer concealed carry permits to the public, usually after a thorough background check and safety & marksmanship training.  It may well be that the Constitution requires that if a state will grant a concealed carry permit for a firearm then it must do the same for an otherwise lawful superpower.

B. “Typically Possessed by Law-Abiding Citizens for Lawful Purposes”

Whether this limitation encompasses a given superpower may depend on the number of superpowered individuals in a given universe and the balance of lawful superheroes to unlawful supervillains.  If superpowered individuals are relatively common, which seems to be the case in the Marvel Universe, for example, and superpowered individuals are generally law-abiding and use their powers for lawful purposes then superpowers would seem to be protected by the Second Amendment. If, on the other hand, superpowers are very unusual or if they are typically used unlawfully, then the government may be able to regulate such powers.

It seems to me that in most comic book universes powers are both relatively common and normally used for good, suggesting that they do not fall under this exception.  However, if certain kinds of powers are more commonly associated with law-breaking, then perhaps those powers in particular may be regulated, though in my experience powers of all kinds seem evenly distributed between heroes and villains.

C. “Dangerous and Unusual Weapons”

Here we come to the catch-all.  Superpowers are certainly unusual in an historical sense (not counting the Marvel 1602 continuity), and they are unusual in the sense that in most comic book universes superpowered individuals are a minority.  But perhaps it is the nature of the power that counts.  If a superpowered individual is approximately as powerful as a normal individual with a handgun (though perhaps one with unlimited ammunition), is that really so unusual?

Wherever the line is drawn, it seems clear that at least some superpowers would qualify as dangerous or unusual weapons (e.g., Cyclops’ optic blasts, Havok’s plasma blasts).  These are well beyond the power of weapons allowed even by permit, and their nature is unlike any weapon typically owned by individuals or even the police and military.

III. The Nature and Scope of Regulation

Given that some powers are likely to fall outside the protection of the Second Amendment, how could the government regulate them?  We’ve already discussed the issue of concealed powers, but what about powers that fall into the other two exceptions?

I believe the government would take a page from the way it regulates mundane firearms.  First, all possessors of potentially harmful powers could be subject to a background check if they did not have the powers from birth.  If they failed the background check, they could be forbidden to use the power (although use in self-defense might still be allowed by the Constitution).  A registration scheme would be likely (Note, this likely would not run afoul of the Constitution because it does not apply to all mutants or superpowered individuals, just those with potentially harmful powers).

Second, exceptional powers could be subject to a permitting system including more thorough background checks and training requirements.  Some powers could be expressly prohibited outside police or military use.

Third, superpowered individuals who committed crimes–with or without their powers–may be forbidden from using them or even required to have their powers deactivated, if possible.  Following the decision in United States v. Comstock it may even be permissible to indefinitely detain a superpowered criminal after their prison sentence was completed if it was not otherwise possible to prevent future criminal acts.

What about uncontrolled powers, for which merely forbidding the use isn’t enough?  I think this falls outside the scope of the Second Amendment and is closer to the law of involuntary commitment.  If a superpowered individual is a danger to himself or herself or others, then he or she could be required to undergo de-powering treatment or be incarcerated for their own protection and the protection of society.

IV. Conclusion

The Supreme Court’s current view of the Second Amendment, though politically contentious, would give superpowered individuals greater protection to keep and use their powers largely free from government regulation or interference, with some important limitations.

Outlawry, Supervillians, and Modern Law

Before the modern period, the ability of the courts to enforce their authority was quite limited, shockingly so by modern standards. Court was only held in most English towns a few times a year, and it could easily be six or more months before the same court returned. This meant that the risk of a defendant, particularly a criminal defendant, beyond simply not showing up for trial but being completely un-locatable, was far greater than in modern times.

More than that, the mere fact that a court issued an order was no guarantee that said order would have any real effect. As an example, the English Court of Chancery stopped moving around from town to town in the mid-fourteenth century, meaning that most cases in equity were only heard in London, which unless you either lived there or were a landed aristocrat, you had probably never been to. So an order issuing from a court tens or hundreds of miles away, without any extant system of law enforcement–the first English professional police forces only date to the mid-seventeenth century, and the Metropolitan Police were not founded until 1829–was pretty easy to ignore.

So what was the legal system to do? Well, one common tool was “outlawry”, declaring a person to be beyond the protection of the law. The meaning of the sentence changed over time, and it ultimately disappeared with urbanization and doctrines like habeas corpus, but a growth in supervillainy might bring it back into fashion.

I. The Nature of Outlawry

When it was originally imposed in the Middle Ages, a sentence of outlawry was essentially a death sentence that the court did not believe it could immediately enforce, largely because the person was nowhere to be found. An outlaw was a person whom it was illegal to give any food or shelter, and whom it was legal to kill on sight as one might a wild animal. The pronouncement caput gerat lupinum, “Let his be a wolf’s head” (gotta be a lycanthropy storyline in there somewhere) set someone outside the bounds of civilized society. The theory was that a person who failed to show up to answer a felony charge was admitting their guilt.

Still, by the modern period, the definition of outlawry had shifted somewhat. Sir William Blackstone, perhaps the most famous English jurist in history, had already observed by the late-eighteenth century that while outlawry was still a potential sentence for criminals, it no longer permitted an outlaw to be killed at will. Rather, it permitted anyone to arrest them for prosecution and retained the penalties for aiding an outlaw.

Note that even this this arguably watered-down version of outlawry is significantly different from the way the word “outlaw” is used in modern parlance. “Outlaw” motorcycle gangs and “outlaw” country musicians are really nothing of the sort. Sure, there’s some at least feigned anti-social tendencies in both, and the former does even occasionally rise to the level of criminal activity, but neither represent groups of people who exist entirely outside the bounds of the law.

II. The Decline of Outlawry

For a variety of reasons, outlawry slowly fell out of favor in the legal system. For one thing, population growth and expansion made hiding from society increasingly difficult. A supervillain having trouble finding a place to put a lair should have cause to regret that they were not born a few centuries earlier, when there was still a huge amount of unoccupied and undeveloped land to be had. But even by the early modern period, circa 1700, Europe was pretty far towards occupying its remaining wilderness regions.

“Outlawry” does not seem to have crossed the Atlantic as an identifiable legal tool, as by the time of the founding of the American colonies, it was already disappearing in England. Even the famous “outlaws” of the Old West were generally not declared outlaws as such by a court of law. A lot of the bounties posted were either offered by private citizens or local law enforcement, both of which acted pretty much outside the legal system. In truth, the legal situation significantly resembled pre-modern England, where the reach of the court was pretty limited–many judges rode circuit on horseback–and local communities pretty much dealt with things on their own authority. But once civilization made it out there, the advent of the Fourteenth Amendment and the development of habeas corpus jurisprudence effectively ended the practice even in this unofficial basis.

III. Outlawry as a Weapon against Supervillains

So what happens when the Joker, or Magneto, or Doc Oc, or some other immensely powerful figure emerges and does what supervillains do? The whole premise of comic book multiverses is that there periodically appear people/things that society can only be protected from by specially-empowered individuals, that normal methods of law enforcement and even military intervention won’t necessarily work.

Fair enough. But that doesn’t mean that the courts are completely powerless, and it may be time to dredge up outlawry as a useful tool. If nothing else, declaring a supervillain to be an outlaw through due legal processes would permit superheros to go after supervillains whenever and wherever convenient. The issue here, rarely addressed in comic books, is that unless a superhero is working directly for the state, their ability to apprehend and kill anyone, even supervillains, is pretty limited by the law. If the Joker is threatening to drop a bus full of school kids off a bridge, yeah, Batman can do whatever, because deadly force is justified in preventing the deaths of others. But if the Joker is between capers, private actors, like most superheros, can’t go after them without exposing themselves to civil and criminal liability for wrongful death, impersonating an officer, false imprisonment, excessive force, etc. But if the supervillain were declared to be an outlaw, hey, all bets are off. Go nuts.

Second, declaring someone to be an outlaw would make it illegal to transact basically any business with them. Some supervillains may be magnificently rich, evil geniuses, but they still need to get their raw materials from somewhere unless they’re basically running their own country (which is, apparently, an option, albeit a rare one). In this sense, outlawry could be considered an absolute economic embargo targeted at a person or persons rather than a state or government. This could be a potentially useful tool in curbing the power and influence of supervillains.

IV. Reimplementing Outlawry

As discussed above, outlawry is basically gone as a legal sentence, and as useful as it might be, outlawry as it was originally defined is completely incompatible with modern concepts of due process. For starters, declaring someone guilty because they failed to show up for trial violates just about every procedural standard it is possible to name, chief of which is the presumption of innocence, an important civil right enshrined in Coffin v. United States, 156 U.S. 432 (1895), which held: “The principle that there is a presumption of innocence in favor of the accused is the undoubted law, axiomatic and elementary, and its enforcement lies at the foundation of the administration of our criminal law.”

So that’s probably out. But trial in absentia is probably out too, at least without some changes being made to the law. Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 43 requires the presence of the criminal defendant, and Crosby v. United States, 506 U.S. 255 (1993) makes it pretty clear that a criminal who is arrested but escapes or absconds before trial cannot be proceeded against until he appears in court. It may be possible that a trial might be permitted to continue if a defendant is there at the beginning and then voluntarily leaves (see United States v. Lawrence, 161 F.3d 250 (4th Cir. 1998)), but simply bringing charges against someone and going to trial without them would probably not be permitted under current law.

Still, if I were the prosecutor, I’d make the argument that a supervillain that law enforcement is unable to apprehend but who damn well knows about the prosecution is a different case than your standard, underprivileged, uneducated, minority offender that the legal system is right to try to protect from being railroaded or lynched inside the courthouse. One might even limit the definition of “supervillain” to “one who possesses powers or abilities so far in excess of ordinary human beings that forcefully apprehending them would either be impossible or almost certainly cause significant loss of innocent life.”* This might constitute a violation of equal protection, but there’s a good case to be made that such an approach would survive strict scrutiny, in that it is 1) directed at a compelling governmental interest, 2) narrowly tailored, and 3) the least restrictive means of accomplishing said interest. Given that a challenge of this sort would probably be first attempted against a notorious villain the cops are unable to apprehend, and that a sentence of outlawry would manifestly assist both superheros and traditional law enforcement in their efforts against said villain, the pressure to find some way of carving out an exception would be pretty significant. Then again, hard cases make bad law, so whether or not this is a good thing remains to be seen.

V. Conclusion

Outlawry is an old legal doctrine, one more suited to a time where the law is relatively powerless. As such, it has faded from use and is now almost unheard of. But the presence of supervillains might justify resurrecting the doctrine, and a few minor changes to the law could theoretically make this work.

*Note that this definition would exclude so-called “criminal masterminds” who lack any kind of paranormal abilities. So, for example, the Joker and Lex Luthor, under most of their instantiations, would probably fall outside this definition. But Iron Man or someone using Stark technology might not. And there would be litigation.

Supervillain Real Estate

Every supervillain or supervillain organization worth its salt needs a secret lair, and a location outside the jurisdiction of any government would be ideal. The legal benefits are numerous: no pesky employment laws or civil rights for henchmen, no local police, no taxes.  But in the age of air travel and GPS is there anywhere left for a supervillain to set up shop? Here we consider three possibilities: unclaimed land, the high seas, and outer space.

I. Unclaimed Land

You may be surprised to learn that there are a (very) few places left on Earth that are unclaimed by any sovereign nation.  Perhaps the most reasonable is Bir Tawil, a 770 square mile stretch of desert between the borders of Egypt and Sudan.  There isn’t a whole lot there, but at least it’s relatively close to more interesting places, and the neighbors are probably too concerned with their own problems to care about a supervillain moving in next door.

The other major possibility is Marie Byrd Land, which is part of Antarctica.  At over 620,000 square miles it’s comparable in size to Mongolia or Iran and would be the 19th largest country in the world if it were one.  While no countries lay claim to this land, the Antarctic Treaty of 1959 expressly prohibits “any measure of a military nature, such as the establishment of military bases and fortifications.”  Although a supervillain, as a private entity, would not be bound by the treaty, that language might provide the basis for joint military action to oust a supervillain operating out of Antarctica.  The treaty does state that “Antarctica…shall not become the scene or object of international discord,” but it is doubtful that such language would give the signatory nations much pause before launching the cruise missiles.

A third possibility is purchasing an island from a sovereign nation, but it may be difficult to convince the owner to give up all claim to the island.  Ordinarily private islands like Richard Branson’s Necker Island still remain the sovereign territory of a nation (in that case the British Virgin Islands).  But there are many impoverished island nations, and an enterprising supervillain may attempt to strike a Faustian bargain for sovereign territory.

Unfortunately, being stuck on land makes a supervillain an easy target, and unless the supervillain can gain international recognition and thus sovereign status, the base is likely to be attacked without legal repercussions.  The main benefits here would be isolation and a lack of direct government oversight, not a legal shield against reprisal.

All in all, it would seem that actually setting up a permanent outpost without obscuring it in some way is going to be pretty tough. Unless the lair is constructed far underground or is somehow protected, a single pass by a BUFF can pretty much send any supervillain’s lair back to the stone age inside of twenty-four hours.

II. The High Seas

If no land is available or if mobility is a concern, then a supervillain can consider the oceans.  The primary governing treaty is the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.  This gives some freedoms, including the right to build artificial constructs, but it also prohibits claims of sovereign territory, so a supervillain probably could not create a new floating nation. Still, as long as he avoided making territorial claims, there doesn’t seem to be any legal reason that a sufficiently large floating construct couldn’t just sail around forever.

Now, you might think that charges of piracy would be the biggest problem here.  The Convention does require signatories to “cooperate to the fullest possible extent in the repression of piracy on the high seas or in any other place outside the jurisdiction of any State.”  But piracy is defined as

(a) any illegal acts of violence or detention, or any act of depredation, committed for private ends by the crew or the passengers of a private ship or a private aircraft, and directed:

(i) on the high seas, against another ship or aircraft, or against persons or property on board such ship or aircraft;
(ii) against a ship, aircraft, persons or property in a place outside the jurisdiction of any State;

(b) any act of voluntary participation in the operation of a ship or of an aircraft with knowledge of facts making it a pirate ship or aircraft;
(c) any act of inciting or of intentionally facilitating an act described in subparagraph (a) or (b).

Strictly speaking this would not seem to encompass the operation of a floating supervillain base as long as the supervillain only attacked targets that were not on the high seas or otherwise outside the jurisdiction of any State.  But there are other problems for a seafaring supervillain, most particularly the lack of a national flag (presuming that a supervillain would not long be able to fly even a flag of convenience).  Article 110 provides that a warship may board a foreign ship on the high seas if “there is reasonable ground for suspecting that…the ship is without nationality.”  Worse than being hassled by passing warships, without the protection of a sovereign nation a supervillain would be fair game for outright destruction.  As with a land base, a supervillain would still be vulnerable so long as the base could be found and tied to the supervillain’s nefarious activities. Considering that just about anything on the surface of the ocean sticks out like a sore thumb, staying hidden is going to be pretty difficult.

III. Outer Space

Outer space probably represents the best bet for a supervillain.  Although the supervillain and his or her base would not have much in the way of direct legal protections in space or on the Moon, he or she would be protected indirectly by the Outer Space Treaty. The OST bans placing “in orbit around the earth any objects carrying nuclear weapons or any other kinds of weapons of mass destruction, install[ing] such weapons on celestial bodies, or station[ing] such weapons in outer space in any other manner.” It further states that

The moon and other celestial bodies shall be used by all States Parties to the Treaty exclusively for peaceful purposes. The establishment of military bases, installations and fortifications, the testing of any type of weapons and the conduct of military manoeuvres on celestial bodies shall be forbidden. The use of military personnel for scientific research or for any other peaceful purposes shall not be prohibited. The use of any equipment or facility necessary for peaceful exploration of the moon and other celestial bodies shall also not be prohibited.

In the event of an actual supervillain taking up residence in outer space, these provisions would likely be ignored or repealed outright. However, the treaty has largely been respected in the past. The result is that space, especially outside of Earth orbit, is essentially unmilitarized (as far as we know). Beyond the technical difficulties of mounting an attack on a supervillain lair in space, the status quo means that the nations of Earth would be starting from scratch. This is a distinct advantage over a land or sea-based lair.

IV. Conclusion

A supervillain with effectively unlimited resources would be best served by a base located in space, probably on the dark side of the Moon. A supervillain with significant but not-unlimited resources might be better off buying a private island or a slice of Bir Tawil, then keeping a low enough profile to avoid attracting attention (and airstrikes).

Resurrection Redux: Crimes, Punishment, and Debt

Probate law is just one aspect of the law affected by death and resurrection. Criminal law and contract law are also implicated.

I. Resurrection and Criminal Law

The Enron scandal was one of the biggest financial scams in history, before the 2008 crash anyway. While there are certainly interesting issues to be discussed in the execution and ultimate unraveling of that scheme, the real supervillainy shows up right at the very end. Kenneth Lay was convicted of ten counts of conspiracy and fraud on May 25, 2006, but before he had been sentenced, he died. The official cause of death was listed as heart failure, and following well-established law (see, e.g., United States v. Schuster, 778 F.2d 1132, (5th Cir. 1985)), the judge vacated the conviction and the indictment. This meant that his estate got to keep all of the money he “earned” while at Enron, leaving the government and the people he defrauded entirely without remedy.

But what if he was somehow resurrected or reanimated after the judgment was finalized?

This blogger is unaware of any cases where a conviction had been vacated or abated by reason of the defendant’s death before his appeals were exhausted but was then reinstated when the defendant turned out not to have been dead. But given the seriousness with which courts tend to treat criminal convictions, it seems likely that a court would not hesitate to reinstate a conviction for a defendant who somehow stopped being dead.

There’s another potential wrinkle in here: what if someone is convicted for murder and then the victim comes back to life?

Actually, this one is could be pretty straightforward: if the victim was actually dead at some point, i.e. he really was dead, he wasn’t simply missing or presumed dead, then the elements of the crime are still complete. The defendant did, in fact, kill the victim. Whether or not the victim stays dead is not actually an element of any homicide offense. So it would seem that this is ultimately irrelevant, which is perhaps a little counter-intuitive but does have the benefit of simplifying things a lot. As courts tend to like rulings which alleviate the burden on their dockets, this is not an unlikely outcome.

If, on the other hand, the victim turns out to have merely been critically injured and then lost or hidden, as has happened too many times in comic book history to count, things do change somewhat. If the defendant has been sentenced to death, that sentence would probably be commuted, as the Supreme Court is pretty consistent about requiring a dead body before the death penalty can be invoked.  See, e.g., Coker v. Georgia, 433 U.S. 534 (1977). But it is unlikely that the conviction would be overturned entirely. A murder conviction includes all the elements of attempted murder, and a manslaughter conviction would probably include all the elements of aggravated assault. Whether or not a court would order a new trial probably depends on the facts of the crime and the reappearance.

II. Resurrection and contract law

In addition to vacating convictions, death also has an effect on contractual liabilities. If someone incurs a lot of debt and then dies, their creditors can go after the estate but will not actually be able to go after the decedent’s heirs. So what happens when a character dies, his estate is probated, and then comes back? The ins and outs of resurrection and probate have already been discussed, but here it is probably the case that the outcome is going to be pretty dependent upon the facts.

The sneakiest, most villainous hypothetical would be a character that deliberately dies/has himself killed, knowing he will be resurrected or otherwise return to life, in an attempt to avoid his liabilities. Here, there is a good argument to be made that in the courts’ preference for substance over form, a person would not be permitted to deliberately avoid their liabilities this way. Fraud is fraud, regardless of how it is accomplished, and this sort of thumbing your nose at the legal system is likely to piss off the judge. A pissed off judge will probably find some way to nail you, even if it involves creating new law to do it.

But what about the hero who is actually killed and is brought back to life where neither are of his own doing? Clearly there is no intent to defraud, but that doesn’t mean that a court will simply hand out a free pass. Contracts are contracts and debts are debts, and though neither will follow one beyond the grave, coming back from the grave would seem to require leaving its protections behind as well. Here, it seems plausible that a judge would base the treatment of any outstanding debts on the way that the character goes about the rest of his assets. If he wants a clean break and does not attempt to reclaim any of his property that has gone through probate, a court could easily adopt the position that hey, he did die, and as he isn’t trying to “undo” the legal effects of his death beyond the mere fact of his resurrection, allowing the debts to remain discharged makes some sense.

If, on the other hand, the character attempts to return as closely as possible to the legal position he occupied before he died, equity would seem to demand that his creditors be given the opportunity to reassert their claims.  In particular, the equitable doctrine of unjust enrichment would require that, at a minimum, any assets subject to a claim by a creditor could not be reclaimed by the resurrected character without also reviving the debt (no pun intended).

III. Conclusion

So it turns out that these are both examples of how the law might actually be more resilient than it might otherwise appear. Though resurrection does pose interesting issues for judges in both criminal and contract law, it would seem that the legal system already possesses the necessary doctrines and flexibility to handle them.

Commentary from James Daily

I generally agree with my co-author here.  I think there is one interesting edge case, however, and that is the treatment of characters who routinely come back from the dead as a matter of course.  For example, some characters have such powerful regeneration abilities that they will come back from the dead on their own (e.g., Doomsday, Claire Bennet, Lobo).  If someone ‘kills’ such a character only to have them self-resurrect in the expected fashion, has a murder actually been committed?  Note that at the very least attempted murder has been committed as has aggravated battery, so the defendant would still be guilty of a serious crime, but not murder, which would foreclose the death penalty, at least in the US per Coker v. Georgia.

I should probably first explain why attempted murder is still on the table, even if it were factually impossible to permanently kill the victim (e.g. the weapon in question could not actually have killed the victim or the victim would necessarily self-resurrect).  Factual impossibility is generally not a defense to an attempted crime; it suffices that the defendant intended to kill the victim or to cause grievous bodily harm.  It seems likely that any damage sufficient to temporarily kill a self-resurrecting character would fit the bill.

Regarding the primary question: one approach would be to analogize to cases in which the victim was briefly clinically dead but was later resuscitated and then recovered.  Unfortunately, I could only find cases in which the victim was resuscitated but then steadily got worse and ultimately died.  If any knows of a case on point, please let me know.

Instead we can turn to the legal definition of death.  This varies from state to state, but a majority hold that brain death is synonymous with legal death.  In 1975 the American Bar Association stated: “For all legal purposes, a human body with irreversible total cessation of brain function, according to usual and customary standards of medical practice, shall be considered dead.”  61 J. Am. Bar Assoc. 464 (1975).  This is not exactly the definition used in many states, but it’s close enough for our purposes.

In the case of a temporarily dead self-resurrecting character the damage done to the brain is demonstrably reversible.  On the other hand, it may still be irreversible according to the usual and customary standards of medical practice.  A criminal defense attorney would certainly try to argue that a self-resurrecting character cannot be murdered, but I think the courts would be unpersuaded.  The public policy against murder is very strong, perhaps the strongest there is, and the courts would almost certainly adjust their definition of death to encompass the temporary deaths of self-resurrecting characters.

Superpowers as Personal Property

The superpowers of many comic book heroes and villains are often in a state of flux.  Powers can be gained, lost, used up, given away, abandoned, shared, and stolen, which sounds a lot like the attributes of property.  Comic book characters even speak of powers as though they were possessions.  Here we consider whether superpowers should be treated as personal property and the legal consequences of that view.

I. Why Property?

At first it may seem strange to view superpowers as property.  After all, we can imagine an alternative view, which is that superpowers are just extreme versions of intrinsic human abilities like a sprinter’s speed or a chess grandmaster’s intellect.  If someone intentionally cripples a sprinter, that person is liable in tort and criminal law for battery.  If someone takes away the Flash’s superspeed, why should that be treated differently?

I think the answer is that superpowers seem much more fluid and interchangeable than ordinary human abilities, and lost superpowers have a habit of returning, one way or the other.  A crippled sprinter may never run competitively again even if he or she is not permanently disabled, but powers drained by Rogue, for example, will fully return on their own after the effects of her power-draining ability wear off.

It should also be noted that viewing superpowers as property is not incompatible with also punishing the theft or involuntary loss of a superpower as a crime and tort against the person as well.  The mundane analogy might be to a person who uses a prosthesis.  Someone who forcibly took that prosthesis while the person was wearing it would be guilty of both theft and battery and liable for both conversion and battery.

II. Legal Consequences

One immediate consequence of viewing superpowers as property is that power-drainers like Rogue, Scrambler, or Leech may be liable for the tort of conversion and the crime of theft (or common law robbery, if you prefer) in addition to the tort and crime of battery for which they were likely already liable.  This would only apply to unjustified uses of the ability, of course.  Use of such powers against a willing subject or out of self-defense, defense of others, or necessity would still be justified.

But the consequences don’t stop there.  If Superman uses the power of a blue sun to bestow superpowers on another person, is that a taxable asset transfer?  Who would want to try to collect?

If two superheroes marry, share a power, then later divorce, could one be forced to give up the power during the division of assets?  Does it matter who had the power originally?  Even though the shared power may be a non-rival good, one of the two superheroes may still have a claim to exclusivity.  Perhaps the power is a trademark ability of one character, or maybe they signed a superhero pre-nuptial agreement that determined the disposition of any shared abilities.

If one superhero lends a power to another (or to a normal person), does that superhero have an implied right to its return?  In other words, is a bailment created?  I think the answer here is yes.

What about characters like Mimic that only copy the abilities of others rather than stealing or draining them?  Should there be an intellectual property-like exclusive right in superpowers?  For intrinsic abilities the answer would seem to be no, since providing such an exclusive right would not lead to the development of more or better superpowers.  But for superpowers that are the product of experimentation, subjecting oneself to dangerous radiation, etc, then perhaps there should be.  If a power-mimic can effortlessly copy a power that the original owner nearly died to gain, maybe there would be fewer superpowers produced in the first place since people would no longer think the risk worth the reward of a unique power.  On the other hand, there does not seem to be a shortage of powers in most comic book universes, so maybe the incentive is not needed.

The property rights view may also give rise to new business models.  Consider a superpowered individual who had an amazing power but who did not personally feel like becoming a superhero.  With a property right in his or her power (and the assistance of someone like Mr. M or Sage), he or she could rent it out or lease it to others who were willing to take on the responsibilities of superherodom.

III. Conclusion

There is a good argument for treating superpowers as property or at least a kind of quasi-property in many circumstances.  This treatment might lead to occasional complications, but it would also bring a lot of advantages and protections to superpowered individuals.