Category Archives: conventions and talks

The Intergalactic Nemesis, Reminder

This post is a reminder that Law and the Multiverse co-author James Daily will be participating in a panel discussion preceding performances of The Intergalactic Nemesis at the Edison Theatre at Washington University in St. Louis on November 18th and 19th.  The Intergalactic Nemesis is a live action graphic novel, sort of a radio-play-meets-motion-comic, and it has received rave reviews around the country.  If you’re a fan of pulp action and sci-fi, you’ll love it.  Tickets are available online.  We hope to see some Law and the Multiverse readers there!

The Intergalactic Nemesis

We’re happy to announce that Law and the Multiverse co-author James Daily will be participating in a panel discussion preceding performances of The Intergalactic Nemesis at the Edison Theatre at Washington University in St. Louis on November 18th and 19th.  The Intergalactic Nemesis is a live action graphic novel, sort of a radio-play-meets-motion-comic, and it has received rave reviews around the country.  If you’re a fan of pulp action and sci-fi, you’ll love it.  Tickets are available online.

In addition to the panel discussion there are also some exhibits planned, including a display of rare comic books collected by Dr. Gerald Early, professor of English at Washington University (who you may have seen on PBS’s History Detectives), and a demonstration of Sentinels of the Multiverse, a new comic-book-inspired cooperative card game.

AABANY Fall Conference

For our law student and attorney readers in the New York area: James will be participating in a panel on legal blogging at the Asian American Bar Association of New York fall conference, September 17, 2011.  The conference offers up to 6 CLE credits as well as multiple networking opportunities.  Registration is still open, and we hope to see you there!

Speaking of legal blogging, nominations for the American Bar Association Blawg 100 can be submitted through tomorrow, September 9th.  If you’re a lawyer or a law student, we invite you to consider nominating Law and the Multiverse.

Law and the Multiverse CLE

For the attorneys in the audience: Thomson West has invited us to give two CLE webcasts!  The June 21st program is an overview of some torts concepts illustrated by comic book situations, and the June 27th program is about superhero attorneys and legal ethics.  Be sure to use promotional code HEROES2011 for a 25% discount.  If there are any topics not mentioned in the program descriptions that you’d like us to address, please send us an email and we’ll try to work it in.

Tonner Doll Convention & The Summit City Comic Con

Today we have some news about recent and upcoming appearances and talks.

First, James and Ryan recently spoke at the Tonner Doll Company’s 2011 convention.  Tonner has long had a great DC Comics product line, and our talk—about Superman’s citizenship and renunciation thereof—was part of the announcement of Tonner’s new line of Marvel Comics dolls, which starts off with Captain America and a host of X-Men characters (e.g. Phoenix and the Scarlet Witch).  We had a great time at the convention, and we’d like to thank Robert Tonner for inviting us and everyone at the convention for being such a terrific audience.  The Q&A session after the talk was great, and if anyone from the convention has a question we didn’t have a chance to answer, please email us at and or leave a comment on this post.

Second, Ryan will be appearing at the Summit City Comic Con on June 18 in Fort Wayne, Indiana.  This will be Law and the Multiverse’s first comic con appearance, and we hope to make it the first of many.  If there’s a convention in your area that might be interested in having us give a talk or participate in a panel, drop us a line!