Author Archives: Ryan Davidson

The Dark Knight: Embezzlement

On Friday we talked about legal ethics in The Dark Knight. Now we’re going to take a look at an issue with consequences beyond the movie’s version of Batman. Specifically: does being the CEO or majority shareholder of a corporation give you the right to use corporate assets for personal projects? In the movie, Bruce Wayne (majority shareholder) goes to Lucius Fox (CEO) whenever he needs another cool toy, and Coleman Reese’s discoveries suggest that he’s not just buying them from the company but is actually using corporate resources to develop and manufacture his stuff. Is this okay?

I. Wayne Enterprises in The Dark Knight

In the Christopher Nolan movies, Wayne Enterprises is portrayed as a publicly traded company. It’s got a board of directors. It’s got institutional and private shareholders. Bruce Wayne has a controlling interest and therefore gets to call a lot of the shots, but the corporation is not, in fact, his personal plaything.

Though you wouldn’t know it from the way he treats it. Turns out that Fox has probably committed what amounts to embezzlement, i.e., the fraudulent conversion of the property of another over which one had lawful possession. It’s also often a felony, particularly when it involves large amounts of money.

Here’s the deal. Fox, as the CEO of Wayne Enterprises, has lawful possession of all of Wayne Enterprises’ assets by dint of the fact that he has lawful control over those assets.  Note that possession is separate from ownership; Fox controls the assets but he does not own them.  Generally speaking, the CEO of any given company is just that: the chief executive officer.  He or she has complete and inherent authority to commit corporate assets to any lawful purpose for the benefit of the corporation, except as limited by the corporate charter. For example, if Lucius decides one day that Wayne Enterprises isn’t going to sell X-type widgets anymore, he can sell off or shut down that division of the company overnight, unless the Wayne Enterprises charter requires a more complex procedure, such as a vote by the board of directors.

But if he’s acting against the orders of the board or without the board’s permission, he exposes himself to a charge of embezzlement. CEOs of major corporations have disputes about business strategy with their respective boards of directors all the time, and while it frequently leads to people getting fired (either the CEO or the board, depending on who does better with the shareholders), it isn’t generally criminal. But using corporate assets for personal purposes is something else entirely. Coleman Reese discovers that the R&D department is “burning through cash” on a project purported to be “cell phones for the Army.” If such a contract had actually existed, Fox could commit the company to it. But it doesn’t. It’s a pretext for fitting out Bruce Wayne with a really cool if ethically and legally problematic surveillance system. Fox doesn’t have the authority to divert corporate assets for those sorts of personal projects. So he is fraudulently converting the property of the company over which he has lawful possession to his own use, namely, giving it to Wayne.

Why? Because the fact that Bruce Wayne is the majority shareholder doesn’t actually give him an ownership interest in any corporate assets in particular. He can’t walk up and say “Hey, I own half of the company, so I get to use the corporate jet half the time.” That’s not how that works. The business owns its assets, and an interest in the company does not transfer to an interest in the company’s assets as such. The distinction gets a bit blurrier in closely-held corporations, particularly when there is only one owner—as is frequently the case in small businesses—but the mingling of corporate and personal assets is a pretty big no-no in the area of corporate law, and one of the things that courts look to when they consider piercing the corporate veil. We actually talked about that here.

Wayne himself wouldn’t be guilty of embezzlement, as he never had lawful possession of the property, but he would be guilty of conspiracy to commit embezzlement—as would Fox—which is almost as bad. Conspiracy is distinct from the underlying crime, and one can be guilty of conspiracy even if one does not or could not commit the underlying crime. Even if Fox turned him down, Wayne would still be guilty of solicitation for even asking. Also, being in possession of the goods probably counts as receiving stolen property. This is just bad all around.

II. Billionaire industrialists generally

Note that things would be different if Bruce Wayne were using his own assets to fund his projects. Wayne is independently wealthy, and much of this income is presumably in the form of dividends on his Wayne Enterprises stock. This is money he can use for absolutely anything he wants (within the ordinary bounds of the law, of course). Compare this to the way Tony Stark is portrayed in Iron Man. Stark, too, is the CEO of a company he mostly owns, in this case Stark Industries. But Stark develops the Iron Man technology entirely on his own and doesn’t use corporate assets to develop or manufacture it. He has a lab and fabrication equipment in his mansion. He may then have Stark Industries use some of this technology for other purposes, e.g., developing the Arc reactor for commercial and industrial power generation, but as far as the movie goes, no corporate assets are devoted to his activities as Iron Man.

This is entirely okay, at least as far as corporate law is concerned. Stark is free to use his own fortune in any way he wants. So is Bruce Wayne. So in a sense, the way the comic books portray Batman is actually a bit more realistic than the way the movies do. In the comic books, Wayne has a situation far closer to Stark’s position in the movies, i.e., the billionaire industrialist who has a superhero alter ego but who mostly uses his own inventions, manufactured by himself, financed by his personal fortune. Ironically, in the comic books, Stark is generally portrayed as mixing his corporate and Iron Man activities in much the same way as Bruce Wayne does in the movies. Quite the reversal.

III. Alternatives

Still, Wayne is a very rich man. Why couldn’t Wayne simply buy anything he needed from Wayne Enterprises? Fox is certainly capable of authorizing such a transaction. Wayne could even enter into a contract with Wayne Enterprises wherein the latter could be paid by Wayne personally to develop and manufacture Batman gear for Wayne’s use. That would be okay. If done right it could even result in a profit for the company. The problem is that for such a setup to be legally okay, some bits would need to be public, or at least known to the board of directors and its accountants and auditors.  It would be very hard to keep something like that secret.

Similarly, why couldn’t Fox arrange things such that Wayne simply received his Batman gear as part of some kind of compensation package? Two reasons. For one thing, Wayne isn’t portrayed as an employee of the company in The Dark Knight. He’s a shareholder, but not an employee or officer. So there isn’t really any obvious way he could get any compensation apart from regular dividends. And setting up some kind of cushy straw position wouldn’t necessarily work either. The Batman gear is presumably ludicrously expensive. Receiving that as compensation would almost certainly make Wayne one of the most highly-compensated people in the company. Not only would the board of directors need to approve that, but it would probably need to be filed with the SEC. So the choice would either be completely blowing the secrecy angle or violating a lot of laws about corporate filings, executive compensation, and taxes. Again, no good.

And obfuscating things to try to disguise Wayne’s Batman activities is also no good, as it would involve falsifying all sorts of official corporate documents. Part of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, a corporate reform law passed in 2002, imposes personal, individual responsibility for corporate filings upon both executives and directors, so as soon as anyone figures out that there’s funny business going on—and if there’s one thing about the movie that is accurate, it’s that a halfway-decent auditor will figure things out eventually—Fox and Wayne are going to be in huge trouble.

IV. Conclusion

So really, as far as corporate law goes, the version of Batman/Bruce Wayne depicted in The Dark Knight trilogy is actually quite problematic. Fox is likely guilty of embezzlement, and Wayne would be guilty of conspiracy and receiving stolen property. Further, the most obvious ways of “fixing” the problem are themselves problematic, mostly because they’d make Wayne’s identity as Batman that much closer to public knowledge. Tony Stark has a much better way of going about this: use one’s personal fortune, founded upon but distinct from the corporation, to finance his toys (though he also has the benefit of not worrying about a secret identity). Considering that this is generally how it’s depicted in the comic books, and that in those stories Batman frequently invents most of his own gear, the way things are written in The Dark Night trilogy is surprisingly bad, if unintentional, or puts Wayne in a very grey area, if it’s intentional.

The Dark Knight: Legal Ethics

So The Dark Knight Rises comes out next week. In preparation, we’re taking a look at one of the issues from The Dark Knight. Specifically… isn’t Coleman Reese violating the rules of professional ethics? (Spoilers below!)

I. The Setup

Coleman Reese is an attorney hired by Wayne Enterprises to assist with the pending merger with LSI Holdings. While “running the numbers,” Reese discovers some irregularities and goes on a fishing expedition. He finds blueprints of the Batmobile (aka the Tumbler) and—correctly!—concludes that Bruce Wayne is Batman. One of the funnier moments in the movie is here, where Reese attempts to blackmail Wayne Enterprises by confronting Lucius Fox about this discovery. Suffice it to say that he hadn’t crunched all of the relevant numbers.

Later, Reese goes public, or at least tries to. This is after the Joker threatens to kill people if Batman doesn’t come forward. Things don’t go as planned, and the Joker changes his mind, but that’s the basic idea.

II. The Blackmail

Clearly, blackmail is a bad idea. Blackmailing Batman is a worse one. But apart from the blackmail, Reese was right to go to Fox about his discoveries. ABA Model Rule 1.13, Organization as Client, reads, in part, as follows:

(b) If a lawyer for an organization knows that an officer, employee or other person associated with the organization is engaged in action, intends to act or refuses to act in a matter related to the representation that is a violation of a legal obligation to the organization, or a violation of law that reasonably might be imputed to the organization, and that is likely to result in substantial injury to the organization, then the lawyer shall proceed as is reasonably necessary in the best interest of the organization. Unless the lawyer reasonably believes that it is not necessary in the best interest of the organization to do so, the lawyer shall refer the matter to higher authority in the organization, including, if warranted by the circumstances to the highest authority that can act on behalf of the organization as determined by applicable law.

Bruce Wayne is certainly a “person associated with the organization,” and he’s definitely acting in a manner related to the representation—spending Wayne Enterprises’ money, if nothing else—which is probably a violation of a legal obligation to the organization, i.e., not wasting shareholder dollars or using corporate assets for personal projects. That’s called “embezzlement”. It’s also “likely to result in substantial injury to the organization,” as that cellphone surveillance project wasn’t exactly free. Not to mention any negative press or damage to the corporation should Batman’s identity be discovered. And the right thing to do if a lawyer for a corporation discovers something like that is to go to the CEO. Which Reese did. And if he’d simply said “Mr. Fox, we’ve got a problem here,” he’d have been entirely in the clear. Unfortunately, he got greedy, with hilarious results.

III. The Media Interview

But when the Joker threatens mayhem should Batman not step forward, Reese decides to go to the media. This time, he’s actually in the clear, completely. ABA Model Rule 1.6, Confidentiality of Information, reads, in part:

(b) A lawyer may reveal information relating to the representation of a client to the extent the lawyer reasonably believes necessary:(1) to prevent reasonably certain death or substantial bodily harm;

It doesn’t say that the client will be causing the death or injury, just that revealing the information is reasonably necessary to prevent such. So if a lawyer has information about a client, and the lawyer reasonably believes that revealing it will save someone’s life, they can reveal it (NB they don’t have to, but they may). That’s what Reese decided to do. The Joker threatened to kill people unless he got this information, and Reese reasonably concluded that revealing that information might save people.

Of course, the Joker changed his mind, at which point revealing that information would not be reasonably calculated to save anyone’s life. So if he had revealed the information after the Joker changed the terms, he’d have violated the rules of ethics.

III. Conclusion

So while Reese trying to blackmail Wayne was a problem, going to Fox wasn’t. And going public when the Joker threatened Gotham City was actually fine. We’ll have another post about the potential embezzlement issue next week as we prepare for the release of The Dark Knight Rises!

The Amazing Spider-Man: Background

So The Amazing Spider-Man came out last weekend. This is a “reboot” of the Spider-Man cinematic franchise. Rumor has it that Sony’s rights to the franchise would expire if they didn’t release a film every so often, so when Raimi withdrew from the planned Spider-Man 4, the studio opted for a full-on reboot. Given the choice between an arguably too-soon reboot—Spider-Man was only ten years ago and Spider-Man 3 came out in 2007—and letting to of what was almost guaranteed to be a multi-million dollar cash cow, the choice seems pretty obvious.

This post is actually more of a reminder about things we’ve already discussed rather than an exploration of new ground. We’ve already talked about a lot of the legal issues raised by Spider-Man, and The Amazing Spider-Man doesn’t exactly break much new ground here. The following touches on most of the more obvious issues in the movie. We’ll follow this up with some new material on Friday.  In the meanwhile, if you have any questions, feel free to mention them in the comments or email us!

Just last month we talked about Spider-Man and likeness rights, something related to two guest posts on the right of publicity generally.

This one isn’t immediately relevant to the new movie, as Parker’s connection with The Daily Bugle hasn’t been established yet, but we did look at the possibility liability Parker has for not being entirely honest with the Bugle about his relationship with Spider-Man.

We took a brief look at a story from Ultimate Spider-Man # 6 back in February.

Spider-Man isn’t a journalist in this movie—now he just takes pictures for the school newspaper and yearbook, etc.—but he is in a lot of the comics, and we looked at that here.

In April 2011 we examined whether patents might be a problem for Parker given that he’s arguably making off with sensitive data. We then revisited the issue last September, considering the passage of the America Invents Act on our earlier discussion.

A bit earlier we did a two post series on superpowered minors, and while we don’t talk about Spider-Man directly, it’s possibly relevant, although we don’t know exactly how old Peter is in this version.

One thing that is more directly relevant is the issue of costumes and the confrontation clause, something that this version of Spider-Man might well have to deal with given the way he drops off criminals for the cops. We don’t specifically mention Spider-Man in that post, but he does wind up testifying in costume in an early She-Hulk comic, so it’s definitely an issue.

Related to costumes, we discussed the issue of superhero merchandising (part two), something which actually comes into play in the movie. We see a guy wearing a Spider-Man t-shirt, for example.

Then there’s the duty to rescue, an issue always raised in any discussion of Uncle Ben’s death, but thrown in sharp relief here given the way it’s portrayed this time.

Very early on we did a four-part series (one, two, three, four) on superheroes and privacy rights. This issue is touched on rather explicitly by the film, as the dangers Parker’s activities as Spider-Man will pose to his loved ones are discussed.

The Joker

We’re not talking about The Joker in general here, but rather the [amazon_link id=”1401215815″ target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]2008 graphic novel[/amazon_link] by Brian Azzarello and Lee Bermejo. It’s got two legal issues up for discussion, one major, one minor. First, there’s the issue of a specific outcome of an insanity proceeding. Second, there’s the matter of what appears to be divorce papers. We’ll discuss each in turn. Continue reading

The Uniques II: Judicial Trusts and Minors

We’re returning to our discussion of The Uniques (one, two), and this time we’re looking at a set of topics sort of implicit in the premise of the series but raised directly in a few places. Specifically, we’re looking at the way the series treats minors, both in general and in terms of inheritance. Continue reading

World War Hulk: Front Line I

[amazon_link id=”0785126708″ target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]World War Hulk[/amazon_link] is a five-issue limited series from 2007 telling the story of the Hulk’s return to Earth after the events of [amazon_link id=”0785120122″ target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]Planet Hulk[/amazon_link] in 2006. The basic story is that in Planet Hulk, a majority of the Illuminati, consisting of Iron Man, Mr. Fantastic, Black Bolt, and Dr. Strange, decide to deal with the “Hulk problem” by sending him into space. The Hulk is tricked onto a starship set for another planet, but the Hulk winds up on the planet Sakaar instead of the peaceful world he was intended for. He winds up fighting a bunch of people, getting married to the local princess, only to have the better part of the city—and princess—blown up when the starship he arrived on explodes.

Hulk is pissed. About the trickery, about the exile, and now about the death of his wife. He plots revenge and returns to Earth. World War Hulk picks up there.

[amazon_link id=”078512666X” target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]World War Hulk: Frontline[/amazon_link] is a parallel story about Ben Urich and Sally Floyd, as they continue reporting for Front Line, the newspaper they started back in the [amazon_link id=”078514949X” target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]Marvel Civil War.[/amazon_link]. Like in the Civil War, the writers use the Front Line story to talk about the effects of the super-powered conflict on everyday people. So, for instance, we see the effects of the evacuation of Manhattan on the poor and indigent. As the more mundane side of the story, this is where some of the more interesting legal questions arise, and we’ll take a look at those here. Continue reading


[amazon_link id=”B005LAIHXQ” target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]Prometheus[/amazon_link] came out last weekend. It’s… ambitious. Reviews are mixed. But, as always, we’re not here to talk about the merits of the movie as such, but rather about legal issues raised by the movie. The most obvious one here is the issue of private space exploration and travel. The premise of the movie is that in the late 21st century, Weyland Corporation spends $1 trillion on a project to send a research team to a moon orbiting a gas giant in the Gliese 86 system. Can a private corporation decide to just do this? Continue reading

The Uniques I: Registration

We discussed The Uniques on Monday, giving a sort of introduction to the authors, the estimable Comfort Love and Adam Withers, and the story itself. Very briefly, Comfort and Adam are awesome, and The Uniques is an unfolding story, still in its early stages, about a world where superheroes aren’t just a sort of bonus pack to reality that somehow doesn’t affect anything, but a vital, hugely important part of modern history. Which might be the most ambitious and fun thing that we’ve seen anyone try to do. So you should read it.

This week, we’re going to start looking at the way The Uniques deals with law and the legal system. And where better to start than with what has been the single most debated issue in any superhero setting: registration. Continue reading

The Uniques: Overview

Last month, I (Ryan) had the privilege of presenting at Summit City Comic Con. While there, I had the good fortune to meet Comfort Love and Adam Withers, the married-couple creators of The Uniques. Comfort and Adam are independent comic creators, and by “independent,” I don’t mean “publishing for someone other than Marvel or DC,” I mean “promoting their work at the con circuit and self-publishing with print on demand.” Comics are their full-time job, and if you’ve run across them at a con, odds are you’ve seen their delightful presentation, “Creating Your Comic From Concept to Publication.” Turns out self-publishing as a full-time job, which is what they do, is at least as much “running a small business” as it is drawing and writing.

Their main work thus far is, as mentioned, The Uniques. They’ve got nine issues out so far, available individually in either hard copy or a variety of digital formats, in trade paperbacks, or my preferred edition, Vol. I of the omnibus, which has all nine issues. You have to buy directly from them, which in a sense is surprising, because if the big guys were writing stories this good they might not be seeing the sales slump they’ve complained of for the past decade or so.

And make no mistake: The Uniques is good. I had dinner with Comfort and Adam after the con, and they explained it this way: The Uniques is an exploration of a world in which superheroes are real in the way that the Marvel [amazon_link id=”0785121781″ target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]Civil War[/amazon_link] should have been but wasn’t. A lot of comics are basically magical realism. Fantastic stuff happens, but the world at large just sort of goes on the way it always has. This despite the fact that the mere existence of something like telepathy would have enormous implications for daily life. The Uniques is set in a world where those implications are real. Humanity is now made up of “uniques,” people with supernormal powers, and “typics,” people without them. The background history is still being revealed, but thus far we know that the first uniques showed up in 1939. They fought in World War II on both sides, but the outcome of the war was largely the same. Virtue, the first unique to appear, delivered the bombs over Hiroshima and Nagasaki, for example, but the bombs were still delivered. The rest of the century unfolded more-or-less as we know it–Vietnam happened, with uniques again participating on both sides–but the presence of uniques added a level of tension to the Cold War that was lacking in the history we know. The Soviet Union apparently didn’t dissolve in the late 1980s, and things were coming to a head in 1993 when a team of uniques from both sides of the conflict joined forces to put an end to the Cold War. How hasn’t been revealed yet, but there are hints that this is going to be central to the larger plot. Regardless, uniques are a recognized part of society, and as the story unfolds, we’re seeing how legal and administrative structures have evolved to deal with them.

Only we’re seeing it without a writer’s revolt that led to Iron Man acting like a complete jerk for about two years, and Mr. Fantastic finally abandoning his normal uselessness to create a seriously evil system of incarceration. Heck, we’re seeing a society that actually makes use of uniques and the technology that goes along with them. But more than that, the pro-reg forces in Civil War were supposed to have the better part of the argument. Unfortunately, any message, pro- or anti-reg, was completely lost in the ensuing soap opera, inconsistent conception of the core laws at issue, and what seem to have been political disagreements amongst the writing staff. Remember, Civil War came out at the height of the Second Gulf War, and the media was still full of stories debating the merits of the war and the US’s continued detention of alleged “enemy combatants” in Guantanamo Bay. Some of those issues continue to be pressing, but there may have been enough time between then and now to permit a more detached, less immediately political discussion about related issues. The world of The Uniques assumes that there is some compromise to be made between security and liberty, just as a practical matter, and some of the characters are significantly motivated by their attempts to figure out where they fit in that compromise. Marvel, on the other hand, seems to have been surprised by the idea that any kind of compromise is even warranted, much less appropriate, and the whole thing is somewhere between a dork age, canon discontinuity, and downright negative continuity.

So over the next few weeks, we’re going to be taking a look at the Uniques, seeing how Comfort and Adam are creating what may fairly be called the most robust venture into a world that takes superheroes and supervillians both seriously and in stride.

The Avengers: Declarations of War

Our last post, discussing the issue of compensation for the property damage that resulted from the battle over Midtown Manhattan, delved into whether or not the battle counts as an “act of war” or even just a “war” or whether it counts as “terrorism” or something else. This is as good a time as any to discuss what it means to be “at war” and what “war” means as a legal concept. Continue reading